Meet the team!

We have friendly staff and partners here at Access Remote, all who believe in our project!
You're welcome to take a look at our profiles below if you like, or better yet - you can chat with us!

Our Team

Behold! Our great Owner is present. It's Reece!

Reece (Owner)

About me:
I'm Reece, I run the server and the network the server is connected to. So any issues, give me a shout!
If a chatter is posting things you don't agree with, the ignore button is your friend.
Getting harassed or bullied? Report that with the flag icon.

If you see me about, don't be afraid to say hi!

Check out my SoundCloud:

Say hi to AUser!

AUser (Superadmin)

About me:
Hello! I am AUser, the Technical Admin of Access Remote. I like chatting and modding on chat sites such as this! Reach me at (for more extreme cases):

Some info on me:

- I like chatting with others.
- I've been modding for 3+ years.
- I live in the U.S (timezone EST).
- I do graphic design.

Feel free to PM me for any questions or concerns, or just to talk to me!

Incentives for being active (active chatting and online presence):

First reward: 7 days VIP
Second reward: 300 gold
Third Reward: 3 months VIP
Fourth Reward: 20 rubies
Fifth Reward: Any gift I can afford

Take a look at Niko's profile

Niko (Superadmin)

About me:
My new years resolution is to be kinder to myself, let myself be me, let myself be happy. Get over my fear of rejection and just be who I want to be. Because it's unfair to me that I have to live like this. I'm so sorry I wasn't kinder to myself. This year will be your year, okay, Niko? No more running, no more hiding. I'll be okay, and you know it too, don't you, Niko? Keep on doing what you're doing, Making people smile. Being you. Because in the end. If people don't accept you for who you are, they don't deserve you.

I love you. <3

Our team just wouldn't be the same without our Verified Partner, Tigress...

Tigress (Verified Partner)

About me:
I haven't set anything in my 'About Me' in chat yet.
Come chat with me and find out more, if you're interested!

Have you met BeautifulBadass yet?

BeautifulBadass (Verified Partner)

About me:
Hello I'm BeautifulBadass founder and owner of alongside my Love TillValhallaCome Our site is partners with Accessremote, We enjoy having this partnership
Reece is a good person.

I hope to see you around also if you visit Inferno chat ask Devilbot for his commands.

Behold! Our great Verified Partner is present. It's FrenchSarah!

FrenchSarah (Verified Partner)

About me:
I'm a French-born woman living in Sweden, 44 years of age, and I am the founder of Elysian Chat, the sister chat to this place. I am a Stoic, an evolutionary thinker, and a libertarian anarchist. I believe strongly in natural rights and I believe strongly that others who share those values are people with whom I wish to work. I am also an amateur coder (mostly CSS and JS) and I enjoy creating AI art, along with some special effects on Adobe Premiere Pro.

Appeals are welcome!

Project Appeals

If you end up booted from our chat or find yourself with masking tape over your mouth (it's strong masking tape), you can submit an appeal to reverse the action taken on your account, even if your account was banned.
So, if there's wrongdoing against your account, you can still voice your concern to get this undone, or clarified as to why an action was taken.

Just a quick side note...

This website is a project and not at all anything you should take too seriously. Things can change, at any time with little or no notice.
Honestly, take nothing here as fact - please do your own research into anything you see on this site.